Proje Adı: SO GREAT! INSPIRING WOMEN Proje Hakkında: "SO GREAT! INSPIRING WOMEN", öğrencilerimizin kadın hakları, cinsiyet eşitliği ve günümüz toplumunda kadının yeri konularında sanatsal faaliyetler ile birlikte farklı bakış açıları ve perspektifi geliştirebilecekleri bir projedir.
We want to give our contribution to change that, let's do something to show, to glow, to value their amazing works across history between all nations, from the past until nowadays, in so many fields and artistic subjects we can find. We aim to find out the power of artists' women and change the perception about the works they create, we want to contribute to a valorization and a true inspiration through them in our schools, cities, and countries. With this project we are going to recognize and learn some genial women artists, to claim their stories and notice their immense power.